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Our Story

On October 22, 2013, James had a dream of him and his wife, Kelsey, owning and operating a wildlife park. He told her about it and she said their son was going to be born in 2 weeks and they had plenty on their plate. He agreed, but the next night he had the exact same dream. He told her he didn’t know why but felt like this was something God wanted them to do. She said that if it was really from God then he would find a way to make it happen. From that point on, thoughts, ideas, plans, layouts, and numbers flooded his mind—so much so that some nights he could hardly sleep—he just felt he had to get everything out of his head and onto the computer. He began talking with other drive-thru parks and zoos for budgets and costs as well as visiting with veterinarians, carpenters, and other suppliers to get accurate quotes. He also began looking at the possible annual attendance and income numbers. From there, God began opening door after door and more opportunities and business sponsorships began forming. The family purchased the former Rockome Gardens on September 1, 2015, and has been working non-stop ever since. That is the story of how Aikman Wildlife Adventure began, and we look forward to what the future will bring!

Our Team

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