Zebra Finch


Scientific name: Taeniopygia guttata
Family: Estrildidae
Classification: Aves

Place of Origin: Australia
Lifespan in the wild: 2 to 3 years
Weight: 0.42 oz
Body size: 3.94 to 4.33 in
Diet: Seeds
Habitat: Savanna and subtropical dry habitats

Fun Facts

  • Zebra Finches are great Dancers.
  • Zebra Finches use their sense of smell to find their friends and relatives.
  • Zebra Finches are popular household pets.

Conservation Status

Least Concern

Annual Cost of Care

The cost to care for this animal per year is $100.

Through our Adopt a Species program, you have an opportunity to provide for this animal’s needs by paying for the annual cost of care. Check out our Donate page for other ways you can give!

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